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  • Celebrating 20 Years of Training Excellence 2004-2024

How to Kill Rapport

Perhaps the most fundamental skill an interviewer needs to be successful, is the ability to establish and maintain rapport with the interview subject. The objective of developing rapport is to build a relationship. After all, it is primarily our relationship with the subject that will ultimately lead him to trust us enough to confide his deepest, darkest secrets. The relationship, like all relationships, requires attention that is characterized by listening carefully and not projecting our values, while understanding his.

One of the best ways we know to approach the concept of rapport building is to look at the various things we do as human beings to kill it. Here are some of the more common ways we tend to kill rapport in our interpersonal communications:

• Giving unsolicited advice
  o Most people crave approval for what and who they are, not advice about how to change or conduct themselves differently; consistent non-judgmental affirmations are very helpful toward building rapport
• Changing the subject
  o When someone is talking to us about a particular topic and it’s not exactly what we need to know, we change the subject by asking a different and unrelated question – this is very disruptive and aggravating for the person talking
• Always seeking to win the argument
  o Insisting on being “right” about a particular point may very well cost you the ultimate goal – getting the truth
• Always topping their story
  o Cops are famous for this one – “That’s NOTHING! You should have seen what I did last night…” – is both invalidating and demeaning
• Calling the subject a liar
  o No one likes to be called a liar; Instead, minimize the deceit by saying something like, “We both know you haven’t been entirely honest with me…”
• Impressing them with your vocabulary and finishing their sentences
  o If the subject cannot understand the words we’re using, we’re not communicating – we’re being condescending
  o If we finish his sentences, not only will we never know what he was going to say, we’re sending the message that what he is saying really isn’t that important to us
  o This can also cause problems in court since we are providing the additional details instead of eliciting them
• Downgrading his status/profession
  o This is insulting and unnecessary
• Interrupting, making noises
  o Repeatedly interrupting, clearing our throat, and talking to our partner are all ways we send messages that we are really not that interested in what the subject is saying to us
• Interpreting what he is saying and patronizing
  o We’re not there to psychoanalyze the subject; we should be paraphrasing and mirroring what he is saying to us with the intent to understand him
• Fixing his feelings
  o We should avoid saying things like, “That’s nothing to worry about,” “Why are you getting so upset, relax,” and “You’re not crying are you?”
• Not looking at them or doing something else when they are talking
  o Most of us are obsessed with taking notes and forget that listening involves observing; how else can we really let a subject know we are interested in her statement unless we make consistent eye contact?
• Becoming interested in something else in the room
  o Like the clock, your cell phone, your case file
• Shaking your head and smiling
  o You might as well just say it – “Bullshit!”
• Asking a question, then not listening to the answer
  o We tune out when the answer isn’t the one we expected or desired; this tends to shut down further communication

As you review this list of rapport killers, our suggestion is to take a good, honest look at yourself and identify the things you tend to do most often and resolve to make some changes. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!


  • I highly recommend this training for any Probation staff who have the necessity to interview/interrogate individuals for investigation purposes.

    —R. Bret Fidler, Santa Clara County Probation Department
  • Incredible training with amazing real world instruction. I have been taking law enforcement classes for over 30 years and by far this is the best presented and most useful.

    —Det. Brian Dale, Portland Police Bureau
  • This was, by far and away the best training I have received in 15 plus years of Law Enforcement. The instructors are experienced, engaging, articulate, and very entertaining. I will be recommending this training to multiple agencies.

    —Mark Paynter, Oregon DOC
  • The information presented was highly relevant to my job and was presented in a manner that was organized and very easy to digest.

    —Michael McGarvey, California State Prison, San Quentin
  • This was, by far, one of the most useful training classes I've attended since becoming an investigator.

    —Steven Aiello, Antioch Police Department
  • Instructional style is engaging and highly effective.

    —George Laing, Fire Prevention Captain, Investigator
  • Your training gave me the confidence and tools to interview the suspect for over 5 hours and to bring a closure to the case.

    —Daniel Phelan, San Jose Police Department
  • This training provided the useful tools necessary for assessing the veracity of a suspected child abuser, which goes a long way in helping to protect children.

    —Sunny Burgan, MSSW, LCSW, Social Work Supervisor, Santa Clara County DFCS
  • This training by far has been the most informative and most effective I've attended. The instructors engaged the students in a manner that made me want to speak my opinion, ask questions, and participate.

    —Julio Ibarra, Merced County Sheriff’s Office
  • Effective teaching teams! The presentation of the material was consistently interesting, and intelligent without being too intellectualized.

    —Michele Keller, Deputy Probation Officer, County of Alameda
  • I will continue to use and pass on this information because I really believe in the instructors and their approach.

    —Kimberly Meyer, Washoe County Sheriff's Department
  • Your training has made the greatest and most direct impact on my assignment of any training class that I've taken.

    —Ken Gelskey, National City Police Department
  • It not often that you go to a training that you really, really want to pay attention to. Because of the high quality information and style of presentation, I knew that if I looked away I was going to miss out.

    —Quinten Graves, Oregon State Police