I. Introduction to Tactical Emergency Casualty Care/Saving Our Own [60 minutes]
A. Background/History of Tactical Casualty Care
B. Describe key factors influencing tactical casualty care as related to self or “buddy” aid
C. Describe the phases of tactical casualty care
II. Hemorrhage Control and Hypothermia [120 minutes]
A. Hemorrhage Control Tactics Knowledge
1. Describe the need for weapon removal from casualties with altered mental status
2. Identify steps in the MARCH assessment
3. Understand the effects of blood loss and shock
4. Demonstrate the most appropriate hemorrhage control method based on physical assessment and resources
5. Demonstrate safe and effective application of hemorrhage control methods
B. Understand the negative impact of hypothermia to a trauma patient
C. Hemorrhage Control Tactics Practical Skills
III. Airway/Breathing [120 minutes]
A. Airway/Breathing Knowledge
1. Discuss airway management modifications
2. Manual repositioning
3. Use of airway adjuncts (NPA)
4. Recovery position
5. Review pediatric airway anatomy and management
6. Discuss chest (thoracic) trauma
7. Open chest injury (sucking chest wound)
8. Pneumothorax/Hemothorax
9. Tension Pneumothorax
10. Management of injuries
B. Airway/Breathing Practical Skills
1. Recovery Position
2. Chest Seals
3. Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA)
IV. Rescue Tactics [60 min]
A. Rescue Tactics Lesson
1. Reaffirm getting off the “X”
2. Discuss the rationale for limited medical interventions during a direct threat
3. Identify drag and carry techniques
4. Discuss how mission tempo and skill sets impact provider action during the direct threat phase
B. Rescue Tactics Practical Skills
1. Lifts, drags, and carries
2. Cover and concealment
V. Tabletop Exercise & Scenario Discussion [90 min]
A. Small Group Breakouts
1. Discuss Scenarios
a) Motor Vehicle Crash
b) IED/Blast
c) Active Shooter
d) Partner Down
2. Discuss Treatment priorities
3. Discuss Evacuation plan
B. Large Group Reflection/Presentations
1. Small groups present findings to larger group
2. Identify Best Practices specific to the student’s context
C. Takeaways
1. Allow students to verbalize a key “takeaway” from the training session